The "Real"

Published under username Fred Durst Has A Posse
It's time to set the record strait.
I'm sure many of you have heard of a video surfacing of a very intimate moment I was having with a young lady on the Internet. This was perpetraited by some sucker-haters known as the "T-Mobile Terrorists".
I know more than anyone that extermely famous celebritys like myself are always in the crosshairs of the media. In fact, I dont know why anyone would even listen to sucker-haters like them instead of going strait to the source.
Listen up. This is the real...
Many of you dont know what its like to be me. Let me tell you. People are always trying to get you. I dont know why. These haters are so filled with hate that they mock anything that has to do with love and spew there hate out where everyone can see. Whats real is these people really hate themselves. Everyone thats real can see that.
Everyone thinks that becuase Im a celebrity that I dont have feelings. If you have seen the video, you know thats not true. You saw the look on my face during. Thats Durst at my most real, my most raw.
Ive had to abandon my American Aliens blog at Xanga. Originaly it was because I was laying tracks for the new Limp Bizkit tip. I must now abandon it completely, becuase I can see the hacker-haters are onto me. The life of someone as famous and world renouned as me can be
tiresome. You always have to watch your back.
But the haters cannot silence me. Ill keep preaching the real as long as I have a voice.